sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014


If you are a student in 1º and 2º ESO in the Bilingual Program, you can join our competition in which you have to carve your Jack-O'-Lantern, describe it, give personal information about it, write about its daily routines and tell a short scary story about it.

Carve your Jack-o’- Lantern

Then, describe it (physical appearance and personality).
Give personal information about it: where it is from, how old it is, …
Then, write about its daily routines:
When does it get up?
What does it eat?
What does it do in its free time?
When does it go to bed?
and tell a short scary story about it .

Vocabulary you can use:

frighten (asustar)    scare (asustar)               scary ( aterrador)
bat (murciélago)       ghost (fantasma)            pumpkin (calabaza)
candle (vela)             skeleton (esqueleto)       candy (golosinas)
trick or treat ( truco o trato)     play a trick (gastar una broma)
spider (araña)           cobweb (tela de araña)    night (noche)
vampire (vampiro)     werewolf (hombre lobo)   witch (bruja)
zombie                      mummy (momia)              monster(monstruo)    cemetery (cementerio)    cat (gato)                 moon (luna)
haunted house (casa encantada)

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