viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Do you fancy scary stories?...

If you like reading scary stories , go to our library and have a look at the books and magazines we have there. They are waiting for you at the English Corner!!!


The winners are...

Here are the winners of the Jack-O-Lantern competition:
      1ST  PRIZE :   Carmen Martín 2º ESO D/E Programa Bilingüe
 2nd PRIZE: Alba Calero 2º ESO D/E Programa Bilingüe
 3rd PRIZE: María Luengo  1ºESO A/C  Programa Bilingüe
                                                                          1st Prize

                                                                          2nd Prize
                                                                          3rd Prize

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Learn English with music!

"Safe and Sound" Capital Cities


If you are a student in 1º and 2º ESO in the Bilingual Program, you can join our competition in which you have to carve your Jack-O'-Lantern, describe it, give personal information about it, write about its daily routines and tell a short scary story about it.

Carve your Jack-o’- Lantern

Then, describe it (physical appearance and personality).
Give personal information about it: where it is from, how old it is, …
Then, write about its daily routines:
When does it get up?
What does it eat?
What does it do in its free time?
When does it go to bed?
and tell a short scary story about it .

Vocabulary you can use:

frighten (asustar)    scare (asustar)               scary ( aterrador)
bat (murciélago)       ghost (fantasma)            pumpkin (calabaza)
candle (vela)             skeleton (esqueleto)       candy (golosinas)
trick or treat ( truco o trato)     play a trick (gastar una broma)
spider (araña)           cobweb (tela de araña)    night (noche)
vampire (vampiro)     werewolf (hombre lobo)   witch (bruja)
zombie                      mummy (momia)              monster(monstruo)    cemetery (cementerio)    cat (gato)                 moon (luna)
haunted house (casa encantada)

Halloween is coming!

Do you want to carve your own Jack-o'-Lantern for Halloween? Yes? Have a look at this funny video which will help you:

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Avatar Contest 2014-15

The students in 1º ESO in our bilingual program have joined an avatar contest in which they have
created and described their own avatar. The winners are:
                                                   1st prize 1ºDE: Casandra Marco  Chueca                                                                            

                                                     1st prize 1ºAC: Ana Torrijos
                                                     2nd prize 1ºDE: Helena Marco Chueca
                                                     2nd prize 1ºAC: David Nicolae Alexa
                                                    3rd prize 1º AC: Lucía Gutiérrez
                                                     3rd prize 1ºDE: Alisson Chiquito