martes, 28 de enero de 2014

"The Sound of Music" at IES Pablo Gargallo

Our Students in the bilingual program, together with their Music teacher, gave an outstanding performance singing "Do, Re , Mi...". Here it is:


lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Our language assistant

The students in the bilingual program work in class with our American language assistant every week. We consider this activity to be a really rewarding experience and the students in 1º ESO are so delighted that they are looking forward to the class with Claire all the time.
Thank you so much.

We enclose her profile:

Hello! My name is Claire Putnam-Pite. I am from Santa Cruz, California.  This is a town an hour and a half south of San Francisco.  I went to the University of California, San Diego which is located in Southern California, just north of the Mexican border.  I studied a double major in International Relations and Linguistics.  My third year of university I studied in Barcelona at Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona.  I had so much fun studying, living and traveling in Spain and Europe that I knew I wanted to return.  When I graduated I applied to the teacher’s assistant program.  Last year I worked at I.E.S. Miguel Catalan where I learned a lot about teaching English and fell in love with the city, Zaragoza.  I am so lucky to have been place in Zaragoza for a second year and look forward to this opportunity at I.E.S. Pablo Gargallo.  I am very passionate about travelling, meeting people and having new experiences. 

We celebrated "Thansgiving" with our students in ESO and Claire gave a presentation about this festivity in her country. Here you can see a brief video with some information about this important day in the Americans'

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Rapper "Fluency MC" concert at IES Pablo Gargallo, Zaragoza.

Jason Levine, also known as "Fluency Mc" is an American rapper that appeared in concert at IES Pablo Gargallo in Zaragoza on 15th January, 2014.
We were delighted with his performance and we just  want to say thanks from here for his fantastic work.
As  Jason says:

                      "Having fun when you learn is when you learn the best!"


martes, 21 de enero de 2014

lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Have you ever used Examtime?

Examtime is an easy tool which allows you to build free mind maps, flashcards, quizzes and notes to use in your class, as well as create and share resources.

More information

Improve your listening

 Do you want to improve your listening? Try this web site! You have to listen to a song and fill in the gaps along the way to be able to continue listening to the song. It`s real fun!

lyrics training

Actividades CLIL de Música

La profesora Olga Gareta , que imparte clases en nuestro programa bilingüe, ha diseñado este interesante mapa conceptual con el recurso examtime. Espero os sea de utilidad.

por olgagareta

Mind map

por mariapilarbello

domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Let's use voicethread in our lessons!

This application allows you to add voice to a document, a slide presentation, a video, or a collection of photos. Commentators can add remarks by means of a microphone, webcam, keyboard, or telephone. Students can post visual media, teachers can comment, and peers can offer verbal or text based assessments.
More information

If you are interested in this motivating tool,  listen to the following tutorial:

sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

What drives you to success? Motivational quotes.

La enseñanza bilingüe y el PIBLEA

If you are interested in PIBLEA in Aragón, have a look at these interesting articles included in the magazine FORUM number 10:
- Casi dos décadas de enseñanza bilingüe en Aragón.
- Sobre enseñanzas bilingües.
- BILI: Enseñanza bilingüe: un escenario pedagógico.
- Bilingüismo.
- ¿Malos tiempos para el bilingüismo?
- Experiencias en un colegio bilingüe de alemán.
- Cinco años de experiencias con el Currículo Integrado del      Proyecto Bilingüe MEC/British Council
- El desafío del bilingüismo: el colegio Miralbueno.
- Experiencia bilingüe en alemán.
- Bilinguismo made in Teruel.
 -¿Bilingüismo en el Calixto Ariño? Sí, por favor.
Revista Forum Aragón 10

How about using voki in your lessons?

Voki is a helpful tool to use in class with our students. It's free and it lets you:

-Create customized avatars .

-Add voice to your voki avatars.

-Post your voki to any blog, website, or profile.

-Take advantage of voki's learning resources.



Delicious recipes

Are you into cooking? Is cooking your cup of tea? Are you fond of cooking? If the answer is yes, then read  the following recipe which was the winner of the gastronomical contest before Christmas in our high school. Dont ´t miss it!

Gingerbread biscuits:

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Rest the dough minimum: 2 hours

Total Time: 2 hours, 40 minutes

Yield: Depends on size of biscuits.


  • 8 oz/225g unsalted butter, softened
  • 6 oz/170g fine/caster sugar
  • 6 oz/170g soft dark brown sugar
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 12 oz/340g all purpose/plain flour
  • Pinch salt
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp nutmeg, freshly grated
  • 1 tsp ground cloves
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 3 tsp ground ginger


  • In a large roomy, baking bowl, beat together the butter and sugars until light and creamy - use an electric whisk to make it easier. While still whisking, slowly add the beaten egg.
  • Sift together the flour, baking powder salt and spices into another bowl then carefully stir these ingredients into the butter, sugar and egg mixture.
  • Roll out the mixture to the thickness you want between two sheets of greaseproof paper, then place the whole lot in to the fridge and rest for a couple of hours, overnight if possible
  • When you are ready to cook the biscuits, heat the oven to 350°F/180°C/gas 4 and grease a baking sheet with a little butter.
  • Cut the dough with a cookie, or gingerbread man cutter to the size you wish. In batches, place the biscuits on the baking sheet leaving plenty of space around each biscuit as they will spread. Bake for 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Any rolled out dough, or biscuits waiting to go into the oven should be kept cold in the fridge or will go too soft.
  • Once cooked, remove from the oven, carefully remove from the baking sheet then leave to cool on a wire cooling tray and the biscuits will harden up. Eat when cold.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

"I Jornada Gastronómica Anglofrancogermánica"

Before Christmas, some of our students in the bilingual section took part in a gastronomical contest which rewarded the participants with "big" prizes for coming up with great British, American and French dishes such as brownies, muffins, apple pies, ginger bread, sausage roll, chocolate cake, macarons etc.

 They were delicious!!!  Thank you so much!!! 

sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

¿Qué implica un Proyecto Bilingüe?


Os mostramos un documento muy clarificador que han elaborado los asesores lingüísticos Moisés Camba y Steve Wolstencroft sobre lo que supone un programa de bilingüismo en el centro educativo:

¿Qué implica un proyecto bilingüe?

viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

Halloween competition

Los alumnos de1º de ESO del Programa bilingüe participaron en un concurso en el que crearon su propio "Jack-o-lantern" e inventaron una historia de miedo.

Las ganadoras del concurso fueron:

Primer premio:

Claudia Alejandra Llanos  1º ESO D 
Alba Calero Cortés  1º ESO D

 Segundo premio:
 Carmen Martín Loscos 1º ESO E
 Georgiana Graciun 1º ESO E

Tercer premio:
Paula Aragüés Millán 1º ESO A
Silvia Aragüés Millán 1º ESO C


Actividades de 1º ESO (Bilingual Program)

Avatar contest

Our students of 1º ESO  joined an avatar
contest in which they drew and described
their own avatars.
The winners were:
1st prize: Silvia Aragüés Millán

1st prize: Alba Calero Cortés

2nd prize: Elisa Antón Gallego
1ºD-E 2nd prize: Stefania Circota
1ºA-C 3rd prize: Angel Gabarre Cubeles
1ºD-E 3rd prize:Daniel Gómez González

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

Welcome to our bilingual blog!!

Bienvenido al blog de bilingüismo del "IES Pablo Gargallo" en Zaragoza. Este espacio quiere ser un instrumento que permita al profesorado implicado compartir recursos de interés, mostrar trabajos de los alumnos e informar sobre temas relacionados con nuestro programa bilingüe.
Nuestra experiencia bilingüe acaba de comenzar, este es nuestro primer curso de implantación del programa de bilingüismo y desde aquí queremos animar a nuestros alumnos de 1º de ESO para que sigan tan creativos y participativos como hasta ahora. Os mostramos algunas de las actividades realizadas a lo largo del primer trimestre del curso:

Welcome to the blog of bilingualism of " IES  Pablo Gargallo" in Zaragoza. This space aims to be a tool that allows teachers to share resources and links of interest, display student work and report on issues related to our bilingual program.

Our bilingual experience is just beginning, this is our first year of implementation of the bilingual program and from here we want to encourage our students of 1º ESO to continue as creative and participatory as usual. We show you some of the activities undertaken during the first term: