lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

This is our language assistant, Keila

Hi! My name is Keila and I'm from Houston, Texas in the United States. This is my third year teaching English in Zaragoza. I really enjoy working with children as an English teacher and also teaching them about my culture. I also enjoy speaking to them about my personal interests which include cooking, music and movies. I hope to inspire as many kids as possible to want to learn English and help them overcome any problems they may be having with it. I look forward to a fun year at Pablo Gargallo.   


        Welcome to our highschool!

Happy Halloween !!!

Un año más los alumnos y alumnas de primero y segundo de la ESO han participado en un concurso organizado por el Departamento de Inglés en el que han creado su propio Jack-o'- Lantern y una historia de miedo. Aquí os dejamos las fotos con los ganadores:

1st Prize: Andrea Guerra y Sandra Burillo (2º C)

2nd Prize: Cristina Tomirat (1º A)

3rd Prize: Jesús Alconchel, Raúl Jordán, Noah Ramón (1ºE/F)